Technical and editorial disclosure


The Magazine “Revista Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental” (“Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Magazine”) has accompanied ABES since its inception; the main goal of this magazine is to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge on environmental and sanitary engineering. All the articles published since 1997 are registered in the Pan-American Network of Environmental Health Information (REPIDISCA) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases, among other entities.
The Editorial Fund is a dynamic collection of about 200 titles comprised of its own issues, issues from other publishers, and also technical manuals and CDs featuring the annals of Brazilian congresses as well as Luso-Brazilian and Italo-Brazilian symposia about environmental and sanitary engineering.
The technical books edited by ABES are regarded as a benchmark within the sector and in academic circles. Throughout the years, they have contributed to the professional practice and basic training of new sanitation engineers. Through the Editorial Fund, five issues of the Basic Sanitation Research Program (PROSAB) have been published, under the coordination of FINEP and linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology.
ABES’s Informa (“Informs”) is a news bulletin which has been in circulation since 1975; it is now sent through email to all of the associates with biweekly updates.
The Bio Magazine, which circulates on a quarterly basis, has been published for the past 19 years. It is written in colloquial language, which does not mean, however, that it lacks scientific strictness and content. Within its own genre and proposal, BIO is one of the best Brazilian editorial publications.


